Tour the Showroom WatchDog™ dashboard.

Previously, we explored Showroom WatchDog™ surveys sourced from live agent calls at our certified automotive market research center. These surveys uncover valuable data you can use to pinpoint your hottest leads and close more deals.

Now we’re going to dive into the detailed Showroom WatchDog dashboard, located under the Engage Call Center menu in AutoLoop XRM. This dashboard compiles the results of the surveys, allowing you to sort the data so you can see at-a-glance insight into the health of your sales process. Plus, all customer interviews are listed for filtering, reviewing, and following up with your best leads.

At the very top of the dashboard, you’ll see the total interviews, be-backs, and sales in WatchDog. The default timeframe for these totals defaults to 45 days, but you can also select Prior Month, Weekly, MTD, or input your own custom date range and click Go. The Hide/Show toggle button at the far right allows you to hide or show the four graphs displayed.

Road to Sale

This bar graph shows you how many events staff at your dealership logged – the dark blue Desk Log – as compared to what customers noted on their interview – the light purple Voice of the Customer.

  • Experience: the number of customers that said they had a positive visit at your dealership.
  • SW: the number of customers that received a tour of the Service Department.
  • PP: the number of customers who received a presentation of the vehicle and features.
  • TO: the number of customers who were introduced to a manager to discuss their visit.
  • Demo: the number of customers who took a test-drive.

Top 5 Non-Purchase Reasons

This pie chart allows you to quickly see the top reasons customers walk away from the sale, such as price or payments, inventory options, salespeople, or financial challenges. The arrow in the top right corner reveals a color-coded legend to break down the data.

Advertising Sources

Discover where your ad dollars are bringing in the most showroom traffic with this pie chart, whether your customers heard you on the radio, saw you on Google, or drove past your dealership.

Interview Stats

Quickly see how many customer interviews you have read and unread to help you stay on top of your hottest lead possibilities, plus keep track of how many sales have been lost to customers purchasing elsewhere.


This section is collapsed by default so it’s easy to overlook, but there are a variety of ways you can filter and sort your customer interviews. Check the Hot Leads Only box to see all your top prospects, indicated with the fire icon next to the customer name. Sort by non-purchase reasons, advertising sources, and interview results, such as whether they took a test-drive or spoke with a manager.

The interview folders are fully customizable, so you can sort your customer interviews in whatever way works best for your store. Contact your Performance Manager to get those set up.


The bottom section contains the customer interviews along with quick shortcuts to the information and functions you’ll need most.

  • Customer / Salesperson: when clicked, the customer name links you to their record in your system, so you can quickly grab contact info, see all the activity they’ve had at your store, view relevant documents and past communications, run credit, and more. The fire icon next to their name indicates this customer was marked as a hot lead by your staff.
  • Phone #: the customer’s Home, Work, and/or Cell numbers. If this field is blank, it means their contact numbers were removed after the interview was conducted.
  • The Phone and Email icons each allow you to log a call or email to the customer with a single click.
  • The date and time the Interview was conducted is next, and the customer’s Desired vehicle.
  • The red Xs and green checkmarks indicate the customer’s responses on the interview, such as whether they spoke with a manager, received a presentation of the vehicle, took a tour of the Service Department, or received any follow-up.
  • If the customer has a Be-Back visit or was Sold a vehicle, those dates will appear in these fields.
  • The Read section on the far right lets you know which interviews have been read.

Showroom WatchDog makes it easier to act on your hottest prospects with your most valuable data accessible from the user-friendly dashboard. To learn more about how Showroom WatchDog can power your prospecting efforts, or for any other questions regarding XRM, please reach out to your Performance Manager.

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