Consolidate Your Data. Conquer Your Goals.
Seamlessly monitor your dealership's performance with Affinitiv DealerLens.
Unify Your Data
Analyze KPIs
Get Actionable Insights
View Overall Performance
Your All-in-One Data Management Console
See how DealerLens seamlessly reveals your successes and areas of opportunity.
Unify Your Data
Gain a centralized view of data from your sales, service, and
Anaylze KPIs
Learn which types of initiatives create the most value by exploring 50+ KPIs that range from measuring marketing to driving service revenue.
Get Actionable Insights
Make informed decisions with automated data insights highlighting specific areas of focus so you can generate sales, optimize service, and grow loyalty.
View Overall Performance
Identify any weaknesses and benchmark against your competition by tracking metrics from multiple vendors and data sources.