4 Ways to Drive Dealership Website Traffic

An auto dealer’s digital marketing objectives are boosting lead volume and conversions, and they accomplish much of that through increasing dealership website traffic. However, they will not reach conversion goals with an unoptimized website that attracts few online visitors. 

Finding the right strategies to build a digital presence and lure more customers to the showroom is not necessarily straightforward. Dealers need to encourage consumers by offering more than just vehicle information – they must also demonstrate added value by providing insight, establishing an omnichannel presence, and developing relationships, to name a few. 

This article discusses four strategies for boosting dealership website traffic beyond providing standard inventory data.

Improving Dealership Website Traffic: 4 Strategies 

1. Establish a Dealership Blog 

Blogs give customers a place to go for routine updates about the dealerships, such as: 

  • New car sales 
  • Service promotions  
  • Upcoming events 

Blogs are also a terrific means for engaging with customers by providing valuable thought leadership, which can include: 

  • Financing tips. Dealers might craft blog posts offering advice on securing attractive borrowing rates. Most customers will finance their car, and they are more likely to trust dealers who share this information. 
  • Car Buying tips. Buying a car is not straightforward for every customer. Lend a helping hand and inform them what to anticipate when purchasing a vehicle. This knowledge is essential because it can assist your subsequent sales to go much more smoothly. 
  • Seasonal tips. Changing weather requires different car services. Dealers can build further trust with would-be customers by offering advice on preparing their vehicles for each season. Those customers are likelier to service their cars with dealers who demonstrate knowledge and experience. 

2. Design a Mobile-Friendly Website 

Many auto consumers now use their smartphones to browse dealership websites, making mobile functionality more critical than high-tech features in many instances. 

Therefore, websites should be direct, providing vital information to customers immediately on the home page. That information might include: 

  • A direct link to the inventory 
  • Accurate and up-to-date prices 
  • Sales and service hours 
  • Dealership address, phone number, and email address 
  • A “Contact Us” page to schedule appointments 

The website should also adjust to different screen sizes and correctly display content automatically. While many site providers include this feature in standard packages, dealers should verify that each page shows ideally on mobile devices. 

3. Beef Up the Social Media Presence 

An overwhelming majority of consumers use one or more social media platforms. These channels can prove excellent ways to communicate with those consumers where they are, rather than waiting for them to find the dealership’s website. 

More specifically, social media platforms allow dealers to: 

  • Reach new prospects. Social media networks provide new channels to identify potential customers and promote content to those leads who are likely to convert. Increasing the target audience helps to increase your website traffic. 
  • Promote website content. Social media allows dealers to share content with more consumers and helps educate them on what the dealership offers. Dealers should promote these blogs on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 
  • Build customer relationships. Social media platforms allow dealers to answer consumer questions, address concerns, and provide dealership updates. Direct interaction with existing and potential customers – particularly taking their questions and concerns seriously – helps build meaningful relationships. 

4. Revisit the Email Marketing Strategy 

Many consumers prefer email communications to calls and even SMS messages, making it a valuable channel for communicating with potential customers. Email marketing is also relatively inexpensive, and dealers can leverage this economic strategy by: 

  • Executing effective messaging 
  • Building a good timing strategy 
  • Maintaining an up-to-date database  
  • Delivering emails consistently 

By remaining engaged with consumers via email, dealers can retain loyal customers, recoup lost ones, and boost traffic to the website. 

However, dealers should avoid over-inundating consumers. Sending too many emails may result in recipients designating them as spam, resulting in a loss of contact. 

One or two follow-up emails sent soon after they visit the dealership should be enough to re-engage them. If they do not respond at that time, the dealer might consider sending an offer or follow-up email again once every two weeks. 

The Best Websites Use the Best Lead Conversion Solutions 

Improving dealership website traffic is vital to attracting potential customers to the showroom. Most consumers begin their search for a new or used vehicle online, and dealers can leverage the strategies above to capture those leads in the earliest stages of the purchase process. 

However, these tips are only as powerful as the lead conversion tools you employ. Your dealership needs top-notch software that properly identifies the right target audience, follows up with qualified leads, and tracks website effectiveness. 

Contact us today and learn how Affinitiv’s Audience Activator can help you expand your reach, boost dealership website traffic, and drive more revenue.  

A great customer experience is everything.

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