From emails to print mail pieces to phone calls, your customers receive a lot of marketing messages. Make your messages stand out from the rest by adding a personal touch. With Essentials™ automatic trigger communications, you can personalize outbound phone call and voicemail recordings and send your customers a custom greeting that’ll catch their attention—and their business.
Essentials offers four trigger communications with the option to record a custom greeting:
- Customer Birthday
- Vehicle Anniversary
- Sales Follow-Up
- Service Follow-Up
To get started, contact the AutoLoop Support team to request your custom phone call and voicemail greetings for your trigger communications. You’ll receive the default call scripts so you can edit them to fit your store’s needs and return them to be reviewed for compliance.
Once your custom call scripts are approved, you’ll receive a unique phone number to call and ticket number to enter. Follow the prompts to record your custom greeting, review, and save. Be sure to notify the Support team when you’ve recorded custom greetings so they can be enabled for your trigger communications.
Building a higher level of trust and transparency with your customers is as simple as a phone call. Give your marketing messages a more impactful touch with the voice of an employee your customers will recognize and a customized greeting they’ll appreciate. To learn more about custom call greetings, or for any other questions regarding Essentials, please reach out to your Performance Manager.