Need a quicker way to drive revenue on demand? Send your customers email reminders with the same offers as a previous campaign – without logging in to re-request. This new feature of Essentials™ allows you to do just that, automatically! Customize your list criteria and launch timing to your preferences. Set your reminder campaigns with ease. And capitalize on the benefit of a completely automated request and results-based follow-up process.
Match Your Reminders to Your Needs
Whatever your specific needs are, you can easily set list criteria and launch timing to match. Reach the ideal customers – and reduce opt-outs – by configuring your list to exclude certain customers from the reminder campaign, such as those with open repair orders, those who have a service appointment within 30 days of the reminder launch date, or those who clicked on any link in the original campaign. Plus, configure the amount of time between the original campaign and the reminder to touch customers at the prime time.
Reach More Customers – and More Profit
When you contact your Performance Manager, they’ll assist you in getting your email reminders set up and enabled. Based on the original campaign, your Performance Manager will help you choose your list exclusions and other reminder options, such as the subject line and whether the reminder will be available or required for the original campaign. Once the reminder is set up, you’ll be able to select it as a media option when you request the associated original campaign.
Take advantage of this new feature to add reminders to your email campaigns and boost customer engagement and profitability – automatically. To get your reminders set up, or for any other questions about how to maximize Essentials for your store, please reach out to your Performance Manager.