AutoLoop Messaging™: your direct line to customers.

Already designed to simplify and streamline the multiple tasks you encounter throughout the day, Book™ expands that capability even more through its hand-in-glove integration with AutoLoop Messaging. Because text messaging is now the fastest and most efficient way to reach customers, as well as being the preferred method of contact for most people, accessing and harnessing its power through Book is a major win-win. This provides added convenience and efficiency for you as well as significantly more – and faster – responsiveness from your customers.

Instantly communicate – with a click

Draft a text or open an email to customers within Book by simply clicking on their contact information. If you’re working in the customer’s service ledger, for example, and need to reach out for any reason, you’ve got an instant and direct line to the customer right at your fingertips.

Have ready access, ready to go

You’ll automatically know which customers are available for Messaging: you can reach any customer already opted in to dealer communications through Book. It’s as simple as that.

Use Book’s data for timely text reminders

Based on their data in Book, you can provide customers with quick updates on their vehicle’s service: Messaging makes it easy to keep them consistently informed about the status of their vehicle, its ongoing service needs and any important information such as open recalls.

Eliminate the middlemen

No one enjoys spending time wading through multiple people to reach the right person. Integration with Book means every customer communication is automatically routed to the appropriate contact, so customer interactions are always optimized AND personalized.


More media, faster contact: the Click-to-Call feature lets you initiate phone calls to customers right from the AutoLoop application in which you’re working. Follow up on any message or generate a new one with this convenient one-click method, which also keeps the call records and call recordings (if enabled) within the application.

See it, send it, save it

Messaging also enables you to send photos and videos to keep your customers even more informed – providing virtually irrefutable validation for your repair recommendations and helping to speed up approvals.

Besides improving overall efficiency throughout the entire service process, Book also helps you drive appointments by catering to your customers – and Messaging accommodates them at every point by using their most-preferred channels to connect. The result: creating transparency, gaining valuable trust and building relationships and customer loyalty is easier than ever.

For an overview of AutoLoop Messaging™ take a look at the video here. If you have additional questions about Messaging or its integration with Book, please reach out to your Performance Manager.

A great customer experience is everything.

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