Quickly and easily explore your performance with comprehensive reports in Book™. Straight from Book’s dashboard under Reports, you can instantly access the Appointment Summary, Review Next Appointments, Review First Appointments and SmartLane™ Check-ins reports. To display the report, simply click on the one you want to see, and a new screen will populate with your dealership’s performance data. To understand exactly what each report displays – and how best to utilize this information to achieve higher success – take a look at the descriptions below.
Appointment Summary Report
The Appointment Summary report conveniently categorizes appointments to show where each was created, its individual capacity percentage and total counts for the given date range. It contains a visual chart displaying each category, accompanied by an expanded details section displayed below.
This report gives you a great opportunity to view your product usage. You can see whose time is affected most by scheduling, and in turn, either establish more effective processes – or promote online scheduling with Book’s appointment scheduler campaigns.
Review Next Appointments
View your next-appointment-scheduling performance with the Next Appointments report. Featuring a visual display of completed ROs and your rate of next-appointment-scheduling success, you can easily view opportunities for creating an appointment, scheduled appointments, non-scheduled appointments and existing ones.
From here, you can obtain a drilldown of targeting opportunities by clicking on the Opportunities hyperlink and exporting the contacts to an Excel sheet. Then, deliver a Book campaign to compel those customers to make an appointment.
Review First Appointments
After you’ve created a first appointment, all your upcoming first appointments can be viewed from the First Appointments report. Access this report to view your sales staff’s performance (the first appointment percentage represents the percentage of appointments compared to deals made), quickly view how many deals your staff has made within the designated time range and discover the total number of first appointments set and matched with your DMS.
Use this data to explore the efficiency of your sales personnel and to set new goals for your team.
SmartLane Check-ins
For dealers with SmartLane, you can instantly access data on product usage with the SmartLane Check-ins report. View percentage of check-ins versus ROs overall, as well as for each individual Advisor.
Pinpoint Advisors best utilizing the product and improve shop efficiency by encouraging your staff to use SmartLane for every check-in – including courtesy visits.
For more information on reports available via Book, contact us today.