Feature Spotlight: E-Signature in Mobile XRM™

Want to give your sales team the opportunity to uncover customer objections to the sale sooner? Simply open the Mobile XRM™ app and ask customers to sign using the e-signature feature. When customers clam up at the thought of committing, you can overcome their concerns and nail down the deal that works for them.

Plus, capturing their e-signature can give you authorization to pull credit, opt them in to your communications, and more by using our customizable terms and conditions feature. Current Terms and Conditions state that your dealership may use your customer’s signature for credit applications only. But since they’re customizable, you can add other methods of use for your customer’s signature within, and discuss that approval before they sign.

With customer signatures saved to their record, you can have confidence that your compliance and liability requirements are covered. From the trial close to the real deal, this feature of Mobile XRM can help you improve your sales processes.

Capture Customer Signatures: Here’s How

Navigate to the customer’s record from the main menu in the Mobile XRM application. Or, from the Showroom Manager, tap either their name or the person icon at the bottom of your screen.

For Android users:

Tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner to open the customer options menu and select Add E-Signature. Here, the customer can scroll through your terms and conditions to review them, check the box to acknowledge that they agree to the terms, and then sign in the box. Tap Accept to save their signature or Clear to erase it.

For Apple users:

Tap the plus sign at the bottom of your screen to open an options menu and select eSignature. Similar to the above guide, the customer can then review your terms and conditions and sign to accept them.


To view a customer’s e-signature, navigate to a showroom event for that customer and tap the checkmark icon at the bottom right of your screen. If the customer has an e-signature saved, it will show under Previous Signatures. Click the hyperlinked date and time to view it.

Need to update your T&C?

Your terms and conditions saved in XRM are fully customizable. Log into the XRM program from your desktop or visit WebXRM from any device connected to the internet. Navigate to the Maintenance tab and select eSignature Terms and Conditions. Tweak your terms and conditions and click Save.

Discover and overcome customer objections with the ability to capture their authorization with the e-signature feature in Mobile XRM. For more information about how to customize your Terms and Conditions in AutoLoop XRM, or for any other questions, please reach out to your Performance Manager.

A great customer experience is everything.

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